Ideation-Delivery: Android Pay Rollout Video Suite
For this project we worked with Google to make a fun video suite introducing Android Pay.
Our challenge here was to make something very informative, and at the same time enjoyable to watch.
We wanted to keep an “adorkable” feel that was based on stop motion, and also have the creative be highly flexible all the way to the last moment before release.
Why was that? Because the product was changing often up to that last second and our creative had to be approved by several departments at Google with differing needs.
So we came up with an approach that allowed us to build the pieces and be able to make adjustments up to the last second.
For this we shot numerous elements stop motion style that we knew we’d need, such as hands holding phones and various graphical element entering from off screen. For our digitally created pieces we matched the reduced frame rate feel to match our shot elements while remaining changeable.
The end result was a suite fo English and Spanish videos to quickly show off how Android Pay worked that made for lots of views and likes, and took care of the needs of the various Marketing Managers.